
What is graphic design and how can it help my business?

Good graphic design can make or break a business. It often gets overlooked and the results may end up looking unprofessional. Having a good quality logo with corporate branding is essential if you wish to be taken seriously by other businesses and the general public – thin business cards and A5 leaflets made in Word can appear amateurish. The resolve of this is to hire a designer to work alongside you and create branding solutions – a personal identity which is then carried on for years to come.


What is illustration?

Illustration can come in many forms. Here are some examples: family portraits, paintings, character designs, drawings for children’s books, visualizations for presentations, comic books etc. There are different forms of illustration – hand drawn and digital. Hand drawn is my specialty, however, I can create digital art using Adobe Illustrator.


How do you handle briefs from start to finish?

  1. Initial consultation – the brief in further detail
  2. Delivery of roughs and ideas
  3. Progression of project with input from the client
  4. Delivery of final artwork


Do all commissions require meetings in person?

No. If you wish to have email/webcam/phone communications instead this can be arranged.


What do I need to start a project with you?

A basic idea of a brief and if possible supporting images and text. It’s okay if you only have the starts of an idea. I’ll work with you to try and create the best possible solution.


Can you use famous characters or celebrities in your design or illustration work?

For design work it would be a no, as this is a breach of copyright unless you have bought the rights to the image(s). The rules are slightly different for illustration, so this would be dependent on the brief.


Can I change elements of the design once the project has been paid for and signed off?

Unfortunately, additional charges will apply.


Do you print in-house or use an external company?

I use an external company.


Do you provide frames for your illustrations?

Nope. The frames have to be supplied by the client. Please give dimensions before the commission starts.


When do you take payment?

Since January 2016 – all commissions must pay 50% deposit upfront and the remaining 50% on delivery.


Are you interested in ‘trade offs’ instead of charging fee’s?

Yes, as long as the money values for the services exchanged are exactly the same.


Are you open to freelancing for another company?

Yes. I’m open to all opportunities.


Will you work for free?

Would you? No? There’s your answer 🙂


Will you work for free if I can get you major exposure?

I would review your proposal, however the term ‘major exposure’ is quite loose and things don’t always go according to plan.


I have a start up business and want you to design for us but I can’t pay you a wage until we make it big. Are you interested?

I will review your business plan and consider it but it’s highly unlikely. I’ve tried this a few times and it doesn’t work out.


Do you offer any design packages for start up businesses?

Yes, I can provide you with a package deal no matter what your design needs.


Do you offer discounts?

I try to keep my pricing the same for everyone. However, I understand that start up business don’t always have the same funding as established businesses. So, I do drop my rates slightly on occasions.


Are you a registered company?

I’m a registered sole trader under the business name Sketchbook Illustrated this is in compliance with the companies act.


Do you work from home or do you have a commercial unit?

I work from home.


What are you opening hours?

You can contact me any time via email or phone and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Do you have staff working on different aspects of the business?

Currently, no. I will be working with you by myself from start to finish.


Are you hiring staff or offer apprenticeships?

Not at this moment, no. Maybe some time in the future.